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<text><html><head><title>Gallery & Artist Search</title></head><!--body tag--><HIDE_CLIENT# Macintosh><body bgcolor="#D2D2E3" link="#007AA7" vlink="#6144CF"><show><hide_client Macintosh><Macro body><show><!--end of body tag--><!--Masthead 1--><center><table width="468"><tr><td><center><img width=468 height=12 src="../masthead/interartsig.gif"><br><nobr><img align=top width=13 height=17 border=0 src="../masthead/noprev.gif"><a href="../default.html"><img align=top border=0 width=36 height=34 src="../masthead/hubbutton.gif"></a><a href="default.html"><img align=top border=0 width=36 height=34 src="../masthead/list.gif"></a><img align=top src="../masthead/spacer.gif"><a href="../realms/canyon.html"><img align=top border=0 width=210 height=53 src="../realms/canyon.gif"></a><img align=top src="../masthead/spacer.gif"><a href="search.html"><img align=top border=0 width=36 height=34 src="../masthead/onsearch.gif"></a><a href="http://script.interart.net/script.acgi$tour"><img align=top border=0 width=36 height=34 src="../masthead/tour.gif"></a><img align=top width=13 height=17 border=0 src="../masthead/nonext.gif"></nobr></center><!--End of Masthead 1--><center><h1>Galleries & Artists Search</h1></center><!--section picker--><p><table width=468><tr align=center valign=top><td><font size=-1><a href="../galleries/search.html">Galleries & Artists</a></font><HIDE_CLIENT# Mozilla><br><img width=14 height=7 src="../images/littlepointer.gif"><SHOW></td><td><font size=-1><a href="../jewelry/search.html">Jewelry</a></font></td><td><font size=-1><a href="../shops/search.html">Shops & Gifts</a></font></td><td><font size=-1><a href="../food/search.html">Food & Wine</a></font></td></font></tr></table><p><!--end of section picker-->This page lets you search for particular galleries, artists and artworks. Just use the popup menus to select the criteria that are important to you. You can fill out as much or as little of the form as you like.<form action="http://script.interart.net/script.acgi$search" method=post><p><center><b>Keywords:</b> <font size=-1>(separate multiple keywords with commas)<br><input type="text" name="keywords" size=60></center></td></tr></table><p><table width=468><tr><td align=right><b>Artist:</b></td> <td><input type=text name="person" width=40><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Category:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="category"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>3-dimensional</OPTION><OPTION>2-dimensional</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Medium:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="mediumcategory"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>Oil or Acrylic</OPTION><OPTION>Watercolor</OPTION><OPTION>Bronze</OPTION><OPTION>Stone</OPTION><OPTION>Metal</OPTION><OPTION>Glass</OPTION><OPTION>Ceramic</OPTION><OPTION>Mixed Media</OPTION><OPTION>Print</OPTION><OPTION>Photography</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Genre:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="genre"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>Realism</OPTION><OPTION>Non-objective</OPTION><OPTION>Landscape</OPTION><OPTION>Portrait</OPTION><OPTION>Comtemporary Southwest</OPTION><OPTION>Furniture</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Price Range:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="price range"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>less than $500</OPTION><OPTION>$500-$2K</OPTION><OPTION>$2K-5K</OPTION><OPTION>$5K-10K</OPTION><OPTION>$10K-50K</OPTION><OPTION>more than $50K</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Size Range:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="sizerange"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>Small</OPTION><OPTION>Medium</OPTION><OPTION>Large</OPTION><OPTION>Monumental</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr></table><p><table width="468"><tr><td><center><input type=submit value="Search"></center></form><!--Footer 1--><p><center><IMG width=468 height=52 border=0 SRC="../masthead/banner.gif" border=0 USEMAP="#banner"><macro usenetscape></center></td></tr></table></center><!--End of Footer 1--><MAP NAME="banner"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="0,0, 50,51" HREF="../default.html"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="52,0, 103,51" HREF="../attractions/default.html"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="104,0, 147,51" HREF="../legend/default.html"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS= "325,0, 369,51" HREF="../ia/copyright.html"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS= "370,0, 414,52" HREF="http://script.interart.net/script.acgi$review"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS= "415,0, 468,51" HREF="../ia/contact.html"><AREA SHAPE=default HREF="../welcome.html"></MAP></body></html></text>
<text>Loads all HTML pages one by one into Netscape and prints them out. Great for proofreading!Requires AppleScript & QuicKeys.</text>
<text>Just click "Choose Netscape Application..." to locate the Netscape browser on your hard drive. Then click "Load & Print Pages". Your pages will be loaded on by one into Netscape and printed to the currently selected printer.Tested with Netscape 1.1 and later. You can purchase QuicKeys from www.cesoft.com.</text>